AppsFree offers an easy and convenient way to discover and download paid apps, games, wallpaper and icon packs that are free for a limited time. Customize your experience thanks to our advanced filter settings, so you'll only see the type of apps you're actually interested in.

✔ No BS: AppsFree only list actual paid apps that are free for a limited time. We won't trick you into downloading apps that are always free.

Google Play has been the popular app market for Android phones and tablets for a long time, but it is not the only Android App Market around. A number of startups and some popular websites too, have launched their alternative app markets for Android. Some of these app markets even give away some popular paid apps for free.

Before you want to go on and install apps from third party marketplaces, you need to allow your device to do so. By default, Google prevents installation of apps outside Play Store on Android devices. Do the following to allow third party app installations on your device.